Your website is much more than you think. Let us help you understand why giving it a little love and attention is so important.
It’s the hub.
First and foremost, your website is the hub of information to which all your online marketing should point. A website is no longer just an online version of your contact information. Today’s successful websites share the organization’s story in many ways. We encourage people to use all kinds of marketing – email newsletters, social media, online advertising – but they should all lead back to the website. From a well-designed website, you can more effectively engage prospects and enable them to do something – buy a product, sign up for a newsletter, download resources or even pick up that Stone Age implement we call a “telephone.”
A website is no longer just an online version of your contact information.
Think of it like this:
People researching your business find your contact information
What do people do instead of opening a phonebook? They Google. Or Bing Or Yahoo…you get the point, they’re looking for you – or maybe your competitor? Make sure your contact information is easy to find. And make sure your website is optimized for mobile. That lady in the lane next to you, face in her phone, might need what you’re selling. There are a lot of people searching on phones these days, and this impacts your business more than you think.
Referrals looking up more information find your work
Your mother told you not to brag. Mom was wrong. Your website can be a place to show off your work as well as highlight some of the problems you have solved for your customers. This can be in the form of case studies, client lists, images, links to media stories, and much more. When clients, friends, or colleagues give recommendations of your business, having proof to back them up readily available on your site is helpful.
Social media posts lead to more information on the website
When we look at successful social accounts, we see that they are not just typing random words and sharing. They are linking with purpose, meaning they have a plan. Here’s the plan we recommend in the simplest form: Start a blog, then start social media. Give a short and engaging teaser that will make readers want to find out more and attach a link back to the blog post.
It’s your story.
You might think your business or industry isn’t worth writing about, but surely there is something? If you’re helping people solve problems, others with similar problems will want to know. It’s not enough these days to tell people what you do – they want to know-how. How are you different? Why are you in business? Who are you helping? What are your customers’ problems? The answers to all these questions help prospects visualize why they should hire you and become your customer.
Be helpful. Engage with your customer by offering regularly updated content that is targeted to your audience. Think blog posts, FAQ pages, white papers and live chat. Not only does this help your prospects and customers better understand you; your website is more attractive to the search engines.
Think of your blog as your voice
A blog is your chance to share your expertise in your field. If you own an insurance agency, share tips on coverage and possibly dealing with irate neighbors when your tree falls on their fence! Who’s liable and what should you do first? These are great questions to answer on a blog.
Blogging is also a great way to:
- Spotlight employees
- Highlight various fundraisers and organizations your company supports
- Tell people how to do something
- Share your opinions on what’s going on in your industry. Is there new legislation? Is something going on in local government that will have a big impact on your business?
It’s your credibility.
We hear all the time “my business is based on referrals,” and we say that this is even more reason a business’ website to look and function its best. Those referrals are going to go to your website and it had better not look like it was designed during the Clinton administration. People need more than just a name these days; they want to feel good about their choice. Through design and content, your website has the power to encourage people to become your customer.
It is your sign of success.
Is website traffic increasing? Are you meeting your marketing goals? Do you even have marketing goals? Are people interacting with your products and services the way you thought they would? If you were a prospect, would your site satisfy your curiosity? There is so much to learn by looking at your website’s analytics.
It’s your brand.
Your website should reflect your company culture. Is your website content stoic and business-like yet your company full of highly-attractive, humorous, and educated technology professionals like Element 47? That’s a bad plan. Not the good-looking, funny, and smart part…the fact that your website is as engaging as a two-hour-long funeral and masking the thing that sets you apart from your nerdy competitors. Make sure your voice comes through…that’s what branding is all about.
We’re ideas people, and we can digitally package you and your business for the world to see!