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Small Business Resources for COVID-19 / Coronavirus

April 6, 2020

I have had the pleasure of speaking with dozens of business owners over the past few weeks, all dealing with the fallout of COVID-19. Each is doing everything within their power to keep the lights on – and more importantly – keep their people employed. So let’s add entrepreneurs (and now bankers) to the list of heroes, if you don’t mind.

We, at Element 47, have compiled the list of valuable COVID-19 business resources below. If I can be of assistance to you in any way, please email me at I’ll do whatever I can to introduce you to the right person or point you toward additional resources.

Other COVID-19 Business Resource Pages

The resource pages are offered by other organizations…we are simply linking to them and Element 47 does not maintain or control the content.

Entrepreneurs’ Organization Nashville Chapter (EO Nashville) is maintaining a comprehensive list of resources at

Petra COVID-19 Resource Center has a rich list of resources and videos about business in crisis at

COVID-19 Related Business Resources and Information

The resources below are listed in reverse chronological order (newest at the top).

Verne Harnish, founder of Entrepreneurs’ Organization and CEO of Gazelles Growth Institute (April 10, 2020) presents “4 Keys to Managing the Chaos.”

TSBDC’s Charles Alexander published an email newsletter today (April 6, 2020) telling us that the SBA doesn’t really have its act together…which is clear to anyone paying attention. And I get it…these are “unprecedented times,” but seriously…the federal government needs to STOP JERKING THE WHEEL BACK AND FORTH. Make a decision and stick to it…maybe?

NEW! Dr. Michael Burcham, recently published “What Every Small Employer Should Know, Part – 2: CARES Act Summary, March 30, 2020.”

NEW! Pinnacle Financial Partners information on the new “Paycheck Protection Program” loans offered by the SBA and administered by local banks.

Deb Wendorf, with On-Demand Solutions, is offering a free HR consultation for business owners with questions about how the the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting your business. You can email Deb at

Tax Day now July 15: Treasury, IRS extend filing deadline and federal tax payments regardless of amount owed

David Waddell of Waddell & Associates presents his thoughts on the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which he compares to historical pandemics. He also reviews his recommendations to business owners preparing for economic disruption. This is definitely worth a watch.

Liza Graves of Style Blueprint interviews Michael Burcham regarding changes to the “Families First Coronavirus Relief Act.” This was the first round of legislation passed by Congress to help both families and small business.

Dr. Michael Burcham, serial health care entrepreneur, Vanderbilt MBA professor, and fellow EO Nashville member held a conference call on Monday, March 16 specifically for EO Nashville Catalyst members. Michael presented his thoughts on what leaders need to be aware of and doing during the crisis.

John Lombard is a Canadian entrepreneur who spent 25 years living and working in China. During that time, he started three businesses; consulted for companies like Siemens, Dell, Maersk, Oracle, and more; and was a consultant to the Mayor of Beijing for the 2008 Olympic bid. In this conference call, John answers China-related questions about the COVID-19 crisis — what actually happened, how has it impacted China, what’s the actual situation today, what opportunities there may be, and what’s likely to happen as China moves forward.