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Nonprofit Website Checklist

July 10, 2018

Are you wondering if your nonprofit website is good enough? Here is a list of questions to consider.

Is it clear who you are, what you do, and where you are?

Your logo should be at the top of the website. If you are a local nonprofit, the name of the city or area you serve should be stated at the top as well as in the page title, headlines, and metadata if possible. Before a visitor decides to give time or money to a nonprofit, they will likely take the time to learn about the nonprofit’s history, read the annual report, and check out board members and other supporters of the organization.

Is it designed for mobile-first?

This is more than mobile responsive – this is mobile first. We are seeing mobile and tablet traffic hitting 60-80% on most websites. This means that nonprofit website design and function should start with mobile devices in mind.

It is crucial that your website is optimized for mobile.

Is your navigation easy to use?

Make sure your page titles communicate what the section has to offer. A nonprofit organization often has more audiences than a typical business. Clients, potential clients, board members, donors, and volunteers all need to receive something from your website. Make sure you know your different audiences and then use your website to communicate something to each of them.

Is your nonprofit website mission-focused?

Visitors to your nonprofit website may not know about your organization or what it does. Make sure who you are and what you do is clear. This does not always mean just stating the official mission statement; the site should demonstrate the mission using images, headlines, stories, stats, and other content. Your content, pictures, and navigation should help visitors quickly understand your mission.

Are your calls to action visible?

What is the point of your website? Secure donations, collect email, sell tickets, inform? Make sure your site is designed to drive those actions. If you are collecting donations, there should be an obvious donate button on every page.

Is Google Analytics installed?

Analytics are important for judging the health of your website. If you are going to spend time and money on a nonprofit website, be sure that it is helping achieve your mission. Website navigation and page content can easily be updated if your site isn’t performing as well as you would like.

The average time on page statistic can also help you determine which pages are the most successful.

Where is your contact information?

In most cases, contact information should be on every page. This is important both for the user and for search engine optimization. Users often go straight to the footer for contact information, but we recommend also having a contact page.

Do you have a blog?

A blog or news area is one of the best ways to have regular communication with your audiences and report on events, causes, news, and more. Update this section frequently, and then push news to social media and your email newsletter. Using your website as the hub for all your online efforts will drive people to your website, help your presence in search engines, and will demonstrate your nonprofit is active and working to accomplish goals

Are your photos and video showing what you do and the people you serve?

Real, high-quality photos are always best, especially for a nonprofit website. We only recommend stock (purchased elements) in desperate situations. There is tremendous value in visually communicating what your nonprofit does and how you impact people. Photo, video, and other graphic elements make it easier for audiences to connect and gives your clients an avenue to speak for themselves about how your organization has changed their lives. If video seems a little “hard to pull off,” start with using photos and blog posts to tell stories on your website.

Are you capturing email addresses?

Keep in touch with the people that visit your site. Offer an email collection form and place it in visible places throughout the site.

Are you using at least one social media platform?

After publishing a blog, take the next step and put it out on social media. Make sure the platform you select is ideal for the audience you are trying to reach. Social media can be powerful at driving people back to your website.